Sunday, January 27, 2008

Am I just being a brat?

Should I just look at others who have it worse? Should I not feel jipped that my Mom died when I was only 21? Should I listen to my Dad who said "at least you had her for that long, and at least you didn't NEED a mother to raise you anymore". Like, I really miss being mothered. I miss the little things that she did for me. I miss the little treats she would make for me. I miss the things that she would think of and then have to tell me. Like, "here are some towels, you might need extra" and stuff like that. I feel so alone now and no one does those things for me anymore. Don't get me wrong, my Daddy is a great Daddy when he is not saying silly things like I don't need a mother. But, I really miss having a Mommy. a lot. A ton. So much that I don't think I ever really deal with it. I always tell myself that I shouldn't feel so jipped because there are kids who lose their moms everyday and they are a hell of a lot younger. I know that, but I miss MY Mommy. No one loved me like my Mom and now she's gone forever. That sucks.

I hate thinking about how my future kids won't have a grandma on my side and they won't ever know her. I hate thinking about how great she would be with them.

I hate seeing my friends talk to their Moms everyday and have their Moms do their wedding invitations and shit like that. I hate that they don't seem to realize that when they talk about their Moms and all their their Moms do for them, that I don't have that and I hate it. I've gotten the vibe from a few people that it's not really a big deal that I don't have a Mom. I mean, I'm an adult and it's sad, but I should be fine. yea right.

I don't tell a lot of people that my Mom has passed away. If the topic of my parents come up, I talk about them like they are both still around and they still live in my hometown and stuff. I don't go out of my way to correct them and be like, well, just my Dad still lives there, Mom had cancer and was sick for a really long time and then she died and my whole life changed forever.

I get the feeling that a lot of my co-workers (the older ones) act like I'm so young and inexperienced and don't have a whole lot to complain about. ya know what I mean? Like, shit, I'm only in my twenties, don't have a family yet, I have a decent job, what do I have to complain about?? I just want to scream at the top of my lungs that I've dealt with a lot of shit that they have most likely not (they all manage to complain about their aging parents). they can eat my ass and keep on judging me, those fuckers! I wonder if it would even make a difference. They probably wouldn't get how much I have been through and that my mom getting cancer 3 times isn't that terrible or some shit.